Janet Nunn, Liberal Democrat activist for Barton le Clay

Saturday 20 November 2010

Do give your views on the CBC budget 2011

Central Beds Council has recently endorsed a budget strategy that includes a range of proposals to deliver the 28% savings that will be necessary next year and for the following three years. The coalition government wants the savings front loaded, rather than evenly spread over the four years, which makes economic sense, although it's painful.

To some extent, the Council is fortunate that we take a relatively low sum from central government, so the cut is not as deep as that in other local authorities.

My thanks to all the constituents who have contacted me already to share their concerns and thoughts. Do please keep you views coming. As I'm on the customer Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that is the area where I can make the most insightful comment, although I shall have my say on the full range of issues under debate. What do you like, and what should we stop doing to save effort and cost in your view?

You can view the strategy at our website http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/modgov/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=577&MId=3344&Ver=4. You can also comment on any of the proposals by visiting www.letstalkcentral.com and joining in with the online discussion or by writing to us at FREEPOST RSJS-GBBZ –SRZT, Budget Strategy, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ. Councillors will also be discussing the many of the proposals within the draft strategy through Overview and Scrutiny Committee during November . All of the feedback will be presented to the Executive before considering the final budget in February.

Please e-mail me your views at janet.nunn@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or come along to my monthly surgery at Barton-le-Clay library, 10-12am on the second Saturday monthly for a chat.


  1. How come when you ask anyone or Google it you cannot find out the exact budget amounts for CBC???

  2. Budget work is a highly iterative process, to and fro between draft by officials, comments by Members in committees and back again. This link should help
    webpage http://www.letstalkcentral.com/2010/11/have-your-say-on-the-councils-budget
